April 22 2015
What worked well
- Pacing – no slippage of time
- Good to have only 5 tables – fuller
- Great attendance
- Mary’s content had a lot of overlay – deep dive and connections to Ed’s content
- Generative discussion on Mary’s content
- A lot of connection cafe topics, harvesting worked well. Dave prompted them to talk in pairs or tables to generate topics
- Energy was high
- Ed clarified something he heard in the room before the conversation cafe – remember to prompt speakers
- 3 people commented on the video – were not present in February
- Daniel’s framing and connection to content throughout year
- Member’s one thing were very targeted and linked to the topic
Think about doing differently
- Daniel wanted to thread back to the content of this morning in the cafe and learning round but didn’t know how. How does what we heard this morning help us with this question we are addressing in the cafe or learning round. Maybe we should make this a cafe move in the check up.
- David is curious about the complexity of all of this and how they are managing it.
- New suggested format for the cafes might be challenging.
- Remember to prompt them to do post it notes – not sticky no lunch
- Ending time for activities
April 23, 2015
What worked well
- Overall simulation was positive
- people learned from it
- different type of activity
- fully engaged
- linked to flexpertise – a bit loosely but did.
- Guests fit together beautifully, to the point, on topic
- Prime sensemakers
- use three people
- prompt of themes and one big thing connection
- Conversation cafe harvesting
- first talk at your table
- propose topic
- Conversation cafe
- orphan topics on day 2
- Attrition
- would data collection on why
- what are the hard constraints for people that we could design around
- would coming
- are they just tapering out
- let them know that X number left and it impacted the community
- Sensemaking
- idea: at the end of day 1ask faculty and lila team to do sensemaking around the mysteries and we look for clusters of things that could do a 10 minute burst of content to kick off the second day. Ideas that speak to some of the mysteries in response to things people are wondering about. Faculty can clarify misunderstandings or expand on them.
- Or ask faculty to start off or include answers to mysteries in their day two presentations
- One big thing
- how can we make them more visible
- maybe bring them into sensemaking
- capture one big thing sensemaking around these and ask speakers to respond to what people are wondering about
- ask participants to respond to one big thing – all of us to be responsible for adding content to the one big thing
- at the end, I used to think and now I think…around all the big things which will be visible
- what are the materials of the experience that allow members to reflect and integrate faster
- Make them all visible
- Have one directed reflection each day, ask them (in pairs) to go directly to their one big thing and write on the one big thing.
- Members seem to want the answer and what to do and we don’t seek that out in speakers
- Should we have a member bring in here is how and teaches it
- Maybe the so now what cafe is a workshop of your one big thing
- Rounds of one big thing
- David and Alana
- test and lean