LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    APRIL 2020 SPEAKER PROVOCATION #1 (video): Michael Kenney – Competitive Learning Ecologies

    One of the benefits of being part of LILA is that we can learn from different contexts - ones that may appear to be far from the usual routines in our own organizations.  Perhaps never has this been more true than with the focus of our current speaker Dr. Michael Kenney, professor at the University of Pittsburg.  His research explores how drug traffickers, terrorists, and government officials gather, analyze, and apply knowledge and experience. His analysis reveals that the resilience they posses stems partly from the ability of illicit enterprises to change their activities in response to practical experience and technical information, store this knowledge in practices and procedures, and select and retain routines that produce satisfactory results.
  2. Sue Borchardt

    LILA Summit 2017 Animation: Adaptive Culture

    Becoming an adaptive culture is no small feat– demanding we keep transforming to sustain our organizational “fitness”, while at the same time sustaining an internal environment in which our people can thrive amidst change and uncertainty. We invite you join us in this ongoing inquiry, making sense of what it means to be an adaptive culture.
  3. Marga Biller

    Unlearning to Learn – LILA Summit Summary and Animation

    One of the ways in which LILA supports the learning of its members is to create an animated short presenting key ideas from the year long exploration.  The theme during the 2013-2014 season was Unlearning to Learn.  Below is the transcript from the animation which can facilitate your understanding of unlearning. Unlearning to Learn This year at LILA, we take a whirlwind tour of unlearning, approaching it from three angles: mindsets, habits, and systems. Here, we take stock of our two main quests around unlearning: understanding it and fostering it. Unlearning is what we do when prior learning creates...
  4. Marga Biller

    How to run a company with almost no rules – Ted Talk by Ricardo Semler

    What if your job didn’t control your life? Brazilian CEO Ricardo Semler practices a radical form of corporate democracy, rethinking everything from board meetings to how workers report their vacation days (they don’t have to). It’s a vision that rewards the wisdom of workers, promotes work-life balance — and leads to some deep insight on what work, and life, is really all about. Bonus question: What if schools were like this too?

Harvard Graduate School of Education