LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    Past,Present and Future Orientation: Which is Best for Teams?

    As Mara Waller shared during the recent Harvard LILA gathering, a balanced time perspective (BTP) entails maintaining a balanced approach toward past, present, and  future temporal biases. BTP is associated with positive outcomes, including higher levels of well-being, mental health, cognitive functioning, and interpersonal relations. Within teams, individuals with BTP contribute to overall effectiveness.
  2. Marga Biller

    Join us for the 13th Annual LILA Summit with Rob Cross and Ryan Quinn

    This has been another intriguing year at LILA as we have taken on the theme of Collective Mindfulness: Shaping the Human Systems in Organizations. I hope that you will join us at this year’s LILA Summit on June 12th in Cambridge where the two keynote speakers are Rob Cross and Ryan Quinn. They will be joined by six past LILA faculty who will share their latest research with participants during small group conversations. In these sessions, you will have an opportunity to exchange ideas on how the research can inform your individual and organizational practices. The Summit is also a great occasion to meet and interact with the broader LILA community, including faculty, researchers, and current and past members, and to get a better sense as to who we are as a learning community and what you might experience as a member.
  3. Sue Borchardt

    February 2018 Animation: Engaging Emergence

    The seeds of innovation and "becoming" reside in these random, unpredictable fluctuations. When the things we want spontaneously sprout up, we might call it serendipity in hindsight, but we often suppress deviations from the norm before it's even possible to guess the nature of what is germinating. Engaging with emergence entails letting go of preconceived solutions, a daunting challenge when performance measures loom at every level.
  4. Sue Borchardt

    October 2017 Animation: Unlearning for Emergence

    Sometimes it seems like it would be easier to start from scratch than to achieve wide-scale change in an organization. This might explain, in part, why restructuring is so common. The science of complexity offers insights into why this rarely results in lasting change. Emergence, the arising of ordered systems – both natural and human – can be viewed from many angles within complexity science.
  5. “Experiencing emergence, emerging experience” – Donald MacLean

    Every emergent system, whether it be musical improv or dance, has a discipline. The discipline is critically important, it defines the process of how we craft our plan for interaction, the reality of the activity, how we experiment, and then how we make sense of that experimentation. We felt this in our opening activity! Along the we each person receives feedback. Negative feedback is information that drives a system back to a predetermined state. Positive feedback drives a system forward, away from predetermined states. In many ways this is how we manage the emergence.
  6. Marga Biller

    A Deeper Dive Into Deliberately Developmental Organizations

    Dr. Kegan’s study of organizations yielded four cases of companies that modeled the unique properties of a deliberately developmental organization. In the words of one of these organizations (Decurion Corporation), “Flourishing is the process of living into one’s unique contributions. It is the process of becoming oneself. We expect to do this through our work.” In the words of another, Next Jump: “Caring for your employees and helping them grow as human beings is possible while making money and helping the world become a better place.” Dr. Kegan underscored that each of the organizations featured as DDOs in his book were selected from a pool of hundreds of organizations that his team studied, and that each DDO was not only from a different industry or market, but was also financially high-performing. Thus, the common criticism that a developmentally-oriented organization may lead to “happiness as a process” but also lead to lower bottom-line performance is not supported by Dr. Kegan’s research. Instead, the DDO emerges at the intersection of developmental aspirations, developmental communities, developmental practices.

Harvard Graduate School of Education