LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Reflections on Learning & Performance

    A big idea that I took away was the role of curiosity and safe risks to support individual and group learning. And I’m wondering how the opposite of curiosity and safe risk -- confidence and “safe routines” – might work against learning and support performance.
  2. Marga Biller

    Usable Knowledge: The 3 Stances towards Learning at Work

    Most of the skills we need to do our jobs — the ability to complete tasks, collaborate with colleagues, circumvent obstacles, and plan for future assignments — are skills we learn at work, not before. But when employees learn by doing, they don’t always recognize when and how the learning is happening — and likewise do not consider the best ways to optimize their learning as they carry out tasks.
  3. Marga Biller

    December 10 2015 Call with Tobias Fredberg Summary

    Tobias Fredberg is an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweeden. During his presentation he stated that organizations are often good at solving complicated problems—often by taking an engineering approach: divide a problem into parts and then solve the component parts. But in organizations that are complex, complicated problem solving doesn’t work. Complex problems can’t be broken down. Instead, complexity translates into paradoxical tensions.
  4. Sue Borchardt

    October 2015 Animation: Paradoxical Leadership

    This is the animation that synthesizes many of the ideas that LILA members discussed during the October 2015 session focused on Paradoxical Leadership. These include what is paradox, how can leaders navigate strategic paradoxes and what are some moves that can help individuals become aware and accept paradoxes in the service of both-and. Click more to go to the animation.
  5. Marga Biller

    Introduction to October 2015 LILA Session

    Daniel gave an overview of the goals of LILA, the themes that we have explored during the last 5 years and identified the threads from these themes that led us to this year’s theme of Managing Complexity:  Navigating Strategic Paradoxes. Click Here to review the Prezi.
  6. Marga Biller

    “There is in all visible things..a hidden wholeness” Thomas Merton

    In a paradox, opposites do not negate each other; they cohere in mysterious unity at the heart of reality. In a recent post by Parker Palmer, a contributor to the program On Being, he talks about the paradoxes he sees in Autumn. It is an inspirational piece that urges us to think about the paradoxes we see around us during this season. For example, it is a season of "dying and seeding". He continues.
  7. Journal of Workplace Learning publishes LILA article: Informal Learning Conversations – Findings from LILA Research

    nformal learning conversations with colleagues is a powerful yet understudied source of self-directed, professional development. This study investigated the types of learning 79 leaders from 22 organizations reported they learned from 44 peer-led conversations over a two-year period. Survey data suggests empirical evidence of five learning outcomes – informational, conceptual, operational, reflective, and social learning. The study describes these categories, the overall distribution of these types of learning in the community, and how most conversations were “rich” in a particular outcome. It concludes with possible explanations for these patterns as well as potential lines for future research.

Harvard Graduate School of Education