LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    Navigating Complexity at Scale with Mary Uhl Bien

    System leadership creates the container that allows solutions to emerge over time. Complexity Leadership is leadership in and of emergence. Emergence is what allows individuals and organizations to adapt and survive. The pressure of survival is the strongest complexity pressure that promotes the most adaptation. Three different types of leadership is required - entrepreneurial leadership, enabling leadership, and operational leadership.
  2. Marga Biller

    April 2020 LILA Member Call Beth Schinoff – Workplace Relationships in a Virtual World

    The workplace is often the seedbed for meaningful connections - one of the “three main spaces” in our lives - home, work, church. Church has receded over time, replaced by technology and other places of congregation (e.g., coffee shop). Workplace has become an increasingly important source of belonging. At the same time, we are facing a loneliness epidemic. We have an aging workforce, and remote work seems to play a huge role in loneliness epidemic, even among millennials. Hence, there are societal reasons to foster connection at work. From an organizational perspective, when a friendship is overlaid on coworking relationship, this is referred to as “multiplex relationship.” The major benefits of these relationships for organizations are that they generally enhance job performance and organizational commitment.
  3. Marga Biller

    Sensemaking – A Primer

    What is Sensemaking? Sensemaking is the process where we try to understand novel, unexpected, or ambiguous events. It is conscious and intentional, creative and active; sensemaking is more about invention than discovery. Carl Weick, a foremost scholar in this field, says that sensemaking begins when you find yourself asking, “What’s the story?”
  4. Marga Biller

    Scaffolding Learning: Conceptualizing and measuring an organization that learns.

    "What does it look like when learning becomes an intentional part of the business strategy? People are aligned around a common vision. They sense and interpret their changing environment. They generate new knowledge which they use, in turn, to create innovative products and services to meet customer needs. We have identified seven action imperatives that characterize companies traveling toward this goal."
  5. Marga Biller

    Human and Artificial Cognition: Systems, Ecologies and Culture

    How is digital technology shifting the way that we learn within organizations?How do we prepare ourselves and our organizations in local and global ecologies of change? How do we act in that tension between current demands and future demands? How do we do significant cognitive work with sophisticated technologies? Dr. George Siemens points out that we are beginning to think with technology –it is more than a tool that we use, it is a tool that uses and shapes us. As we look towards the future of organizational performance, we need to consider technology agents in addition to human employees and participant
  6. Marga Biller

    Research suggests that work-relevant learning occurs largely on the job. However, in many situations workers do not learn nearly as much as they might. The "three stances" model helps to explain why. The stances model suggests ways to counter this tendency and enhance learning from work.

Harvard Graduate School of Education