LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    What do the members in your organization actively do to pick up weak cues signaling threat and/or opportunity?

    During the December 2018 LILA member call, Professor Claus Rerup provided some insights into these questions. His research focuses on what he identifies as attentional triangulation – how a group of people (e.g., teams and organizations) avoid missing cues about threat or opportunity. Paying attention to the right kinds of cues is likely a mechanism toward achieving this year’s theme of collective mindfulness. When teams and organizations do not act in collectively mindful ways and are on autopilot, it is likely at least in part through lack of attentional triangulation.
  2. Marga Biller

    December 8 Member Call featuring Monica Worline

    Monica’s scholarship is animated by one of the classic puzzles of organizing: as humans, we hold tremendous potential for capable action, but we are easily swayed into inaction by hierarchy, social norms, conformity, and other regularities of group life. Monica uses her writing, research, and teaching to ask how organizations can enliven the people who work in them, especially in the face of adversity. Monica will share her thinking about creating positive organizational cultures specifically through four frames roles, network ties, routines and values.

Harvard Graduate School of Education