LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    How To Kill Your Culture with Mary Jo Hatch

    Mary Joe Hatch will share the research she conducted about "the top and middle managers’ experiences and understandings of how organizational identity and culture were entangled with transformational change as it unfolded over a 5-year period in Carlsberg Group. Combining ethnography and grounded theory methods with engaged scholarship, our work sits between research and practice, speaking directly to the experience of managers at the same time that it researches both the content and processes of organizational identity and culture. The study shows that engaging in processes of reflecting, questioning, and debating about their organization’s identity led middle managers and employees both to support and resist new organizational identity claims made by top management. Within these identity activation processes we found frequent references relating new identity claims to organizational culture.
  2. Marga Biller

    December 8 Member Call featuring Monica Worline

    Monica’s scholarship is animated by one of the classic puzzles of organizing: as humans, we hold tremendous potential for capable action, but we are easily swayed into inaction by hierarchy, social norms, conformity, and other regularities of group life. Monica uses her writing, research, and teaching to ask how organizations can enliven the people who work in them, especially in the face of adversity. Monica will share her thinking about creating positive organizational cultures specifically through four frames roles, network ties, routines and values.
  3. Marga Biller

    Changing Organizational Culture is Hard! by Mats Alvesson

    Based around a case-study, Mats shared the findings regarding the reality of organizational change. From planning and inception to project management and engagement, the explored the views and reactions of various stakeholders undergoing real life change processes. Drawing on theories of organizational culture, Mats helped us to understand how organizations can promote change without alienating the people needed to implement it.
  4. Marga Biller

    March 17th 2016 Member Call with Ella Miron-Spektor

    Ella Miron Spektorlla Miron-Spektor is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Psychology at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on three primary domains: creativity and innovation, organizational and team learning, and emotions.
  5. Marga Biller

    December 10 2015 Call with Tobias Fredberg Summary

    Tobias Fredberg is an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweeden. During his presentation he stated that organizations are often good at solving complicated problems—often by taking an engineering approach: divide a problem into parts and then solve the component parts. But in organizations that are complex, complicated problem solving doesn’t work. Complex problems can’t be broken down. Instead, complexity translates into paradoxical tensions.
  6. Marga Biller

    Paradox: An Everyday Workplace “Problem” with Paula Jarabkowski

    Paula Jarzabkowski is a Professor of Strategic Management at Cass Business School, City University London. Her research focuses on strategy-as-practice in complex contexts, such as regulated firms, third sector organizations and financial services, particularly insurance and reinsurance. Her research in this regard has been foundational in the establishment of the field of strategy-as-practice.
  7. Marga Biller

    Superflexibility with Homa Bahrami: Audio Recording

    Homa Bahrami is an international educator, advisor, and author, specializing in organizational flexibility & team effectiveness in dynamic, knowledge-based industries. She is a Senior Lecturer at the Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, where she has been on the faculty since 1986. She is the co-author of a major textbook (with Harold Leavitt) "Managerial Psychology: Managing Behavior in Organizations", published by the University of Chicago Press, and translated into many languages. Her latest book "Super-Flexibility for Knowledge Enterprises", published by Springer (second edition, 2009) focuses on practical approaches for organizing and leading knowledge workers in dynamic settings. Homa serves on several boards in Silicon Valley and Europe and is active in executive education and executive development in the US, Europe, and Asia. Click more to access the recording of the call.
  8. Marga Biller

    January Member Call: Paradoxical Thinking with Wendy K. Smith

    Wendy Smith from the University of Delaware joined us on a conference call as we continue the exploration of the theme of Flexpertise   Wendy’s research focuses on strategic paradoxes – how leaders and senior teams effectively respond to contradictory agendas.  She has studied how organizations and their leaders simultaneously explore new possibilities while exploiting existing competencies, and how social enterprises simultaneously attend to social missions and financial goals. To listen to the call click on the following link:    

Harvard Graduate School of Education