LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    Storytelling for Learning From Others with Chris Myers

    We know that tapping into experiences as part of our learning ecologies makes them richer and enables us better able to adapt to new situations.  At LILA, we have explored practices that enable us to do this at the individual level.  But what about creating learning ecologies at scale that enable learning to an entire team for example.  This is the starting point for today’s presentation by Dr. Chris Myers, Assistant Professor at the Carey School of Business at Johns Hopkins University.
  2. Marga Biller

    APRIL 2020 SPEAKER PROVOCATION #1 (video): Michael Kenney – Competitive Learning Ecologies

    One of the benefits of being part of LILA is that we can learn from different contexts - ones that may appear to be far from the usual routines in our own organizations.  Perhaps never has this been more true than with the focus of our current speaker Dr. Michael Kenney, professor at the University of Pittsburg.  His research explores how drug traffickers, terrorists, and government officials gather, analyze, and apply knowledge and experience. His analysis reveals that the resilience they posses stems partly from the ability of illicit enterprises to change their activities in response to practical experience and technical information, store this knowledge in practices and procedures, and select and retain routines that produce satisfactory results.
  3. Marga Biller

    APRIL 2020 SPEAKER PROVOCATION #2 (video): Chris Myers – Vicarious Learning in Modern Organizations

    Chris Myers' research has focused primarily on learning in health care organizations and other knowledge-intensive work environments.  Chris will share how individuals learn through interpersonal interactions, shared understanding and meaning making of others’ experiences at work ---what he calls Vicarious learning --which has long been recognized as a driver of individual, team, and organizational success.  As you listen to Chris, think about what opportunities and practices support vicarious learning in your organization.
  4. Marga Biller

    APRIL 2020 SPEAKER PROVOCATION #3 (video): Michael Kenney – Communities of Practice

    After you view the provocation, please add your comments to the bottom of this post.  Michael suggests you reflect on these questions: Does  your organization currently use communities of practice?  To what end? How do they hinder or help learning in your organization? Do your communities of practice have any characteristics that hamper learning? How might your organization improve your communities of practice to enhance learning and improve performance?   CLICK TO VIEW COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE       To access the PPT for the presentation, click here.
  5. Marga Biller

    Team Feedback February 2020

    What went well Liked the conversation cafe in the morning Victoria’s content was very well received A lot of attention to detail by master’s students Morning sharing was very thoughtful Lots of energy at the end of the day “Green talk” Asking two members to share how they used the ideas from LILA during intro Consider changing Prompt them just to give one insight one action from conversation cafe How to bring in brief and learning ecology’s into the conversation Asking people to move before desert at dinner to give people chance to talk to others. Day 2 What went...
  6. Marga Biller

    Sensemaking – A Primer

    What is Sensemaking? Sensemaking is the process where we try to understand novel, unexpected, or ambiguous events. It is conscious and intentional, creative and active; sensemaking is more about invention than discovery. Carl Weick, a foremost scholar in this field, says that sensemaking begins when you find yourself asking, “What’s the story?”
  7. Marga Biller

    Scaffolding Learning: Conceptualizing and measuring an organization that learns.

    "What does it look like when learning becomes an intentional part of the business strategy? People are aligned around a common vision. They sense and interpret their changing environment. They generate new knowledge which they use, in turn, to create innovative products and services to meet customer needs. We have identified seven action imperatives that characterize companies traveling toward this goal."
  8. Marga Biller

    Human and Artificial Cognition: Systems, Ecologies and Culture

    How is digital technology shifting the way that we learn within organizations?How do we prepare ourselves and our organizations in local and global ecologies of change? How do we act in that tension between current demands and future demands? How do we do significant cognitive work with sophisticated technologies? Dr. George Siemens points out that we are beginning to think with technology –it is more than a tool that we use, it is a tool that uses and shapes us. As we look towards the future of organizational performance, we need to consider technology agents in addition to human employees and participant

Harvard Graduate School of Education