LILA ~ Learning Innovations Laboratory at the Harvard Graduate School of Education

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  1. Marga Biller

    Divide and Conquer: Case Study about LILA member Don McLauglin’s work at Cisco

    It was the Great Recession, and Cisco Systems’ long run of strong business results was in trouble. Sales were shrinking at the data communications pioneer, and executives were keen to cut costs. Out of the crisis emerged a new way of doing the business of HR at Cisco. About two years ago, the company effectively split human resources into tactical and strategic wings. The move put the company at the forefront of HR design and has yielded other significant benefits……It hasn’t been easy. The overhaul has required a new mindset among both HR professionals and Cisco’s workforce of 75,000 people...
  2. Marga Biller

    Challenges of Unlearning

    David Perkins shared some of his thinking about some of the challenges of unlearning. There are many ways to dig into the topic so he invited us to consider what is the big picture about this year’s theme in three ways: Defining Unlearning: Broadly speaking we can think of it as interfering with prior learning. Lots of learning builds on prior knowledge and beliefs. But there are other situations in which prior habits, mindsets, or systems are obstacles. A second point is that unlearning may not be the best term because you don’t really erase something, you typically bracket or...

Harvard Graduate School of Education